Academy of Music in Munich

»There was nothing Orff deplored more than being a schoolmaster ...«[1]

From 1950 to 1960, Carl Orff supervised a master class for composition at the Munich Music College.

A substantial number of composers can be counted among his pupils both during this time and both before and after; these include Karl Marx, Werner Egk, Cesar Bresgen and Wilhelm Killmayer.[2]



[1] Karl Marx: Erinnerungen an Carl Orff, in: Carl Orff. Ein Gedenkbuch, ed. Horst Leuchtmann, Tutzing 1985, S. 97; [2] probably Hermann Regner; [3] Wilhelm Killmayer: Carl Orff zum 85. Geburtstag. Eine Ansprache, in: Carl Orff. Ein Gedenkbuch, ed. Horst Leuchtmann, Tutzing 1985, S. 71
Images.: 1 Sabine Toepffer, German Theatre Museum, Munich; 2 Ingeborg Sello; 3 probably broadcast by South-west German Radio February 1958; 4 Peter Keetman

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