Cooperation with other institutions

The Carl Orff Foundation works in close cooperation with a number of institutions.

The ›› ›Orff Centre Munich - This as a state institution for research and documentation which has undertaken a prominent role in the supervision of the archive and the encouragement of the musicological study of Orff´s life and works. The primary tasks of the Orff Centre include the supervision of the estate of Carl Orff, academic research into his oeuvre and biography, the issuing of publications and the organization of events (concerts, lectures, symposia and exhibitions). The Orff Centre provides an information centre for musical and theatre practice and for the media. The Orff Centre Munich was founded by a contract between the Bavarian State and the Carl Orff Foundation. Based on this contract the Orff Centre Munich is financially supported by the Carl Orff Foundation.

A similar close cooperation exists with the ›››Bavarian State Library, with which the Foundation has a deposit contract for all autographs of stage works by Carl Orff (with the exception of «Die Kluge»). 

The Carl Orff Foundation fulfils its duties in close cooperation with the ›››Orff Institute at the University Mozarteum, Austria. This was established by Carl Orff in 1961. Numerous well-known music and dance educationalists have received their training in this institute and now contribute to the worldwide dissemination of the name Carl Orff, his Orff-Schulwerk and his musical-artistic approach. Currently, there are 48 Orff-Schulwerk Associations in existence around the world.

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Img: Peter Keetman